Antachia Brown

Antachia Brown is a Clinical Research Student at the Response To Risk Program.

Antachia Brown is a graduate school Clinical Research Student at the Response to Risk program.

Academics: Antachia is currently pursuing her Psychology Research Master’s at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She received her B.S. in Psychology and Sociology from Bennett College for Women.

Interests and Experience: Her previous research investigated Hip Hop music and cultural effects on gender norms and attitudes towards women. Her current research investigates the facets of trustworthiness, risk behaviors, and racial microaggressions. Due to her previous and current work experience as a research liaison for Black Congressional members, School Behavior Therapist, and a Community Development Coordinator, she always strives to create safe spaces with consistent shared information in hopes to foster more mental health resources, initiatives, and policies for all marginalized communities. Outside of her career pursuits, she is a full-time foodie who enjoys music, festivals, outdoor recreational activities and engaging in creative outlets.